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Allen West: I’m Harriet Tubman & I’ll lead black people off the democratic “plantation”

19 Aug

Allen West: I’m Harriet Tubman & I’ll lead black people off the democratic “plantation”

Rep. Allen West went on Fox News yesterday to proclaim he’s the “modern-day Harriet Tubman,” and says he’s the one that will get the nation’s African-Americans off the “21st century plantation.” Watch the video here:

Allen West blast the Tea Party as Schizophrenic

31 Jul

Allen West blast the Tea Party as Schizophrenic

Tea Party leaders announced that they will mount primary challenges against four freshmen Republicans who support John Boehner’s debt ceiling plan. Allen West is one of those four and he doesn’t like being labeled a “Tea Party defector.” West addressed the accusations on Laura Ingraham’s radio show.

Listen to that interview:

Video: Allen West keynote speech at CPAC conference

14 Feb

Video: Allen West keynote speech at CPAC conference

Check out this speech from freshman congressman Allen West of Florida. It’s the closing keynote speech at the 2011 CPAC ( Conservative Political Action Conference )conference and because of it some are wondering if Mr. West should connsider running for president in 2012.

Watch the speech here: