Tag Archives: Tea Party

Ben Carson speech at Iowa Freedom Summit

25 Jan


Dr Ben Carson addressed the Iowa Freedom Summit Saturday. He spoke on Obamacare, the right to life, economy, foreign policy and more. What he did best was prove that he has no business running for president let alone being president. Carson spoke in generalities and showed little to no substance. He gave the crowd the usual conservative talking points to get cheap applause and nothing more. In the twenty or so minutes ( Yes, twenty minutes of his nasally voice, my ears are still bleeding) are so that he spoke we learned nothing about how he would actually implement any of his ideas. To be fair he never does say talk on the how to part of things. Watch his entire speech at: http://www.africanamericanreports.com/2015/01/ben-carson-speech-at-iowa-freedom-summit.html


AAreports interview with Allen West about losing election and refusing to concede

17 Nov

Check out my AAreports interview with Allen West about his losing the election and being constantly refused a recount. http://aareports.com/2012/11/check-out-areports-interview-with-allen.html

It’s over judge denies Allen West attempt at recount. He’s outta here!

10 Nov

It’s over judge denies Allen West attempt at recount. He’s outta here!

President Obama winning Tuesday night was not the only good news of the day. Everyone’s favorite Tea Party nut and flat top wearing a**hole Allen West lost his seat in Congress to Patrick Murphy. But because West is an a**hole he just can’t

accept the truth and demanded a recount. He tried to take his case for a recount to the courts and had that shot down by a judge. Read more here: http://aareports.com/2012/11/its-over-judge-enies-allen-west-attempt.html

Allen West doesn’t want to give Obama credit, challenges black unemployment numbers

5 Feb

Allen West doesn’t want to give Obama credit, challenges black unemployment numbers

So this is what it has come to?

Instead of simply congratulating President Obama and his administration for the drop in unemployment overall and the dramatic drop in black unemployment from 15.8% to 13.6% Congressman Allen west has chosen to play politics and question the numbers. He goes so far as to suggest that someone may have tampered with the numbers although he has no proof to back up such a statement. Read more here: Allen West doesn’t want to give Obama credit, challenges black unemployment numbers

President Obama calls out Boehner on payroll tax cut

21 Dec

President Obama calls out Boehner on payroll tax cut

A not too happy President Obama ( Ok he was pissed ) publicly called out House Speaker John Boehner after the House’s failure to extend the payroll tax cut. President Obama understands that failure to extend the cut amounts to a $1000 tax on many Americans. Unfortunately he is dealing with a group whose motto might as well be ” Fu** the poor and middle class! “. Watch President Obama’s comments here: http://aareports.com/2011/12/president-obama-calls-out-boehner-on.html

Herman Cain full speech ‘I am suspending my presidential campaign’

4 Dec

Herman Cain full speech ‘I am suspending my presidential campaign’

Herman Cain announced he is suspending his campaign for the Republican Presidential nomination. The suspension comes after weeks of scrutiny over alleged sexual misconduct and accusations of an extramarital affair.

Watch that video of his full speech here: Herman Cain full speech ‘I am suspending my presidential campaign’

Why Herman Cain would be a selfish bastard if he dropped out of race.

1 Dec

Why Herman Cain would be a selfish bastard if he dropped out of race.

I am in a panicked mood right now. The mere prospect of Herman Cain dropping out of the race for the republican nomination for president has me nervous as hell. Find out why Mr. Cain would be a selfish bastard if he dropped out of the race here: Why Herman Cain would be a selfish bastard if he dropped out of race

Herman Cain on waterboarding and torture

13 Nov

Herman Cain on waterboarding and torture

During the CBS News/National Journal Commander-in-Chief Debate GOP candidate was asked about torture and waterboarding. Check out his answer here: Herman Cain on waterboarding and torture

Some free legal advice from Eddie Murphy to Herman Cain

2 Nov

Some free legal advice from Eddie Murphy to Herman Cain

Now I think Herman Cain is a horrible candidate for president but it really saddens me that allegations of sexual harassment could be what brings him down. Especially since it seems that his comments on the allegations keep changing with every hour. Because I am so concerned with this issue I reached out to my pal Eddie Murphy for some legal advice to help Mr. Cain. He sent back a video to help Cain.

Watch that video here: Some free legal advice from Eddie Murphy to Herman Cain

Why haven’t white GOP candidates spoken out on Perry’s “Niggerhead” issue?

4 Oct

Why haven’t white GOP candidates spoken out on Perry’s “Niggerhead” issue?  

Why is it that Herman Cain seems to be the only GOP candidate that has a problemn wityh Rick Perry leasing and using a place called Niggerhead? Read more here http://aareports.com/2011/10/why-havent-white-gop-candidates-spoken.html