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Mitch McConnell On 30 Million Uninsured: ‘That Is Not The Issue’

2 Jul

 Mitch McConnell On 30 Million Uninsured: ‘That Is Not The Issue’

 On 07/01/2012 Republican Senator Mitch McConnell went on Fox News Sunday to discuss the Supreme Court upholding the Affordable Care Act. When asked about the 30 million uninsured that the act would cover McConnell said that they were not an issue. Listen to his statements here:

Mitt Romney to speak at NAACP convention

21 Jun

Mitt Romney will address the NAACP in July at their annual convention. Romney better be careful. In today’s GOP going to a NAACP convention is called giving one group special treatment…LOL. George Cook

Read more about Mitt Romney and the NAACP Convention here:

Why democrat turned republican Artur Davis is full of sh**

19 Jun

Why democrat turned republican Artur Davis is full of sh**


Let me say right off the bat that I respect former congressman Artur Davis for successfully being elected to the US Congress and for his work there. Let me also say that his leaving the Democratic party and switching to the Republican party has less to do with his disappointment in President Obama than with the fact that Davis is a 21st Century carpetbagger.

Read more: Why democrat turned republican Artur Davis is full of sh**

Allen West doesn’t want to give Obama credit, challenges black unemployment numbers

5 Feb

Allen West doesn’t want to give Obama credit, challenges black unemployment numbers

So this is what it has come to?

Instead of simply congratulating President Obama and his administration for the drop in unemployment overall and the dramatic drop in black unemployment from 15.8% to 13.6% Congressman Allen west has chosen to play politics and question the numbers. He goes so far as to suggest that someone may have tampered with the numbers although he has no proof to back up such a statement. Read more here: Allen West doesn’t want to give Obama credit, challenges black unemployment numbers

Gingrich says he would visit NAACP. Then why has he turned down all of their previous invites?

8 Jan

Gingrich says he would visit NAACP. Then why has he turned down all of their previous invites?


During a campaign speech Newt Gingrich said, ” “So I’m prepared, if the NAACP invites me, I’ll go to their convention and talk about why the African-American community should demand paychecks and not be satisfied with food stamps.”

If he is so willing to speak to the NAACP then why has he turned down all of their previous invitations all the way back to his days as Speaker of the House? Listen to NAACP President Ben Jealous talk about this here: Gingrich says he would visit NAACP. Then why has he turned down all of their previous invites?

Ron Paul receiving endorsements from racist groups.

31 Dec

Ron Paul receiving endorsements from racist groups.

Republican candidate Ron Paul who was already in hot water for racist newsletters from the 90s is know receiving endorsements from hate groups such as Stormfront and the KKK. Read more here:

Ron Paul quits CNN interview after being asked about racist newsletters

22 Dec

Ron Paul quits CNN interview after being asked about racist newsletters

Texas congressman and Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul ended an interview with CNN after he was questioned about a hate-filled newsletter that was published under his name. Looks like someone didn’t get their nap or ake their Metamucil today. Watch the video here:   Ron Paul quits CNN interview

Bill O’Reilly: Will Obama’s black outreach include appearance on Soul Train?

12 Dec

Bill O’Reilly wondered out loud on his TV show whether or not Obama’s outreach to African Americans would include him going on Soul Train. A very ignorant statement but not surprising from O’Reilly or anyone else on Fox News. What was very disappointing was Dr. Marc Lamont Hill’s reaction to the statement. He seemed more amused than angry or is it just me. Watch the video here: O’Reilly: Will Obama’s black outreach include appearance on Soul Train?

Herman Cain full speech ‘I am suspending my presidential campaign’

4 Dec

Herman Cain full speech ‘I am suspending my presidential campaign’

Herman Cain announced he is suspending his campaign for the Republican Presidential nomination. The suspension comes after weeks of scrutiny over alleged sexual misconduct and accusations of an extramarital affair.

Watch that video of his full speech here: Herman Cain full speech ‘I am suspending my presidential campaign’

Herman Cain on waterboarding and torture

13 Nov

Herman Cain on waterboarding and torture

During the CBS News/National Journal Commander-in-Chief Debate GOP candidate was asked about torture and waterboarding. Check out his answer here: Herman Cain on waterboarding and torture