Tag Archives: conspiracy theories

Allen West doesn’t want to give Obama credit, challenges black unemployment numbers

5 Feb

Allen West doesn’t want to give Obama credit, challenges black unemployment numbers

So this is what it has come to?

Instead of simply congratulating President Obama and his administration for the drop in unemployment overall and the dramatic drop in black unemployment from 15.8% to 13.6% Congressman Allen west has chosen to play politics and question the numbers. He goes so far as to suggest that someone may have tampered with the numbers although he has no proof to back up such a statement. Read more here: Allen West doesn’t want to give Obama credit, challenges black unemployment numbers

10 things for birthers to believe in now

29 Apr

My heart goes out to people who have spent two years of their lives believing in the BS that is birtherism. We feel their pain knowing that in the eyes of everyone who is even half way sane that the birther BS has been laid to rest. But what will birthers believe in now? I have 10 things for them to hook their conspiracy wagons to here: http://aareports.com/2011/04/10-things-for-birthers-to-believe-in.html