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Allen West doesn’t want to give Obama credit, challenges black unemployment numbers

5 Feb

Allen West doesn’t want to give Obama credit, challenges black unemployment numbers

So this is what it has come to?

Instead of simply congratulating President Obama and his administration for the drop in unemployment overall and the dramatic drop in black unemployment from 15.8% to 13.6% Congressman Allen west has chosen to play politics and question the numbers. He goes so far as to suggest that someone may have tampered with the numbers although he has no proof to back up such a statement. Read more here: Allen West doesn’t want to give Obama credit, challenges black unemployment numbers

Listen to Illinois Congressman Joe Walsh explains why he will not attend President Obama’s adress to Congress

3 Sep

Listen to Illinois Congressman Joe Walsh explains why he will not attend President Obama’s adress to Congress:

Audio Maxine Waters : The Tea Party can go straight to hell

21 Aug

Audio Maxine Waters : The Tea Party can go straight to hell

California Congresswoman Maxine Waters has been on quite a roll this week. First she said that she was getting tired with President Obama. During a Kitchen Table Summit in Inglewood California on Saturday she let the crowd know exactly how she feels about the Tea Party. She said the Tea Party can go straight to hell. Listen to the audio here:

Glenn Beck declines to debate Van Jones: What he said, what he really meant

22 Jun

Glenn Beck has declined Van Jones challenge to a debate. He made a statement about his refusal which may appease his supporters but it’s not good enough for me. I put it through my patented BS translator and it spat out what he really meant to say. Read that translation here:

Van Jones challenges Glenn Beck to a debate

21 Jun

It seems as if Van Jones is pulling Glenn Beck’s punk card by challenging him to a debate. Will Mr. Beck man up and up and accept this challenge or will he act like a punk and continue to snipe away from a safe distance? Well Mr. Beck all eyes and ears are on you. Listen to Mr. Jones challenge here:

10 things for birthers to believe in now

29 Apr

My heart goes out to people who have spent two years of their lives believing in the BS that is birtherism. We feel their pain knowing that in the eyes of everyone who is even half way sane that the birther BS has been laid to rest. But what will birthers believe in now? I have 10 things for them to hook their conspiracy wagons to here:

Obamas criticized for wearing red but hey so did the Bushs’

22 Jan

Obamas criticized for wearing red but hey so did the Bushs’

In what must be a slow news week some have taken to questioning the fact that Michelle Obama wore a red dress and Pres. Obama wore a red tie to the state dinner for Chinese Pres. Hu Jintao. Some feel that the first couple were pandering to the Chinese. That leads me to a question. Were Pres. Bush and wife pandering back in 2008?

Pictures here:

What issue should Pres. Obama and the 112th Congress tackle first

6 Jan

What issue should Pres. Obama and the 112th Congress tackle first

With the 112th congress  in place we are hearing a lot about what they will do once they are in. Many say that things like repealing healthcare are what the “people” want. That got me to wondering about which issues are the most important to people. 

 Please take the poll here:

AAreports: The week in review

20 Nov

Hi everyone. What a week it has been here on AAreports . I know that you all have been waiting anxiously for my insightful and thought provoking commentary with bated breath. Today I’m going to touch on Wesley Snipes, Roland Burris, President Obama and the black farmers settlement. Read this weeks piece here:

Video: Al Sharpton tells black voters to stop the ignorance

28 Oct

Al Sharpton tells black voters to stop the ignorance

A fiery and a near angry Al Sharpton gave a speech to a group of black voters in Cleveland reminding them of how others died and were beaten to give their right to vote and how they had better exercise that right to help Barack Obama on Nov 2. 

Watch the video here: