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Eric Holder calls voter ID laws Poll taxes.

11 Jul

Eric Holder calls voter ID laws Poll taxes.

During a speech at this years NAACP Convention Attorney General Eric Holder dismissed all the BS republican / conservative semantics and called voter ID laws what they really are, poll taxes. Listen to his statements here: Eric Holder calls voter ID laws Poll taxes

Allen West doesn’t want to give Obama credit, challenges black unemployment numbers

5 Feb

Allen West doesn’t want to give Obama credit, challenges black unemployment numbers

So this is what it has come to?

Instead of simply congratulating President Obama and his administration for the drop in unemployment overall and the dramatic drop in black unemployment from 15.8% to 13.6% Congressman Allen west has chosen to play politics and question the numbers. He goes so far as to suggest that someone may have tampered with the numbers although he has no proof to back up such a statement. Read more here: Allen West doesn’t want to give Obama credit, challenges black unemployment numbers

Cain endorses Gingrich: Transcripts of the behind the scenes negotiations

29 Jan

Cain endorses Gingrich: Transcripts of the behind the scenes negotiations

( Satire ) Our crack staff ( okay it’s just me ) at AAreports have uncovered secret transcripts of the very brief negotiations between Herman Cain and Newt Gingrich on Friday afternoon.

You can read that transcript here:

Transcripts of the behind the scenes negotiations

Gingrich says he would visit NAACP. Then why has he turned down all of their previous invites?

8 Jan

Gingrich says he would visit NAACP. Then why has he turned down all of their previous invites?


During a campaign speech Newt Gingrich said, ” “So I’m prepared, if the NAACP invites me, I’ll go to their convention and talk about why the African-American community should demand paychecks and not be satisfied with food stamps.”

If he is so willing to speak to the NAACP then why has he turned down all of their previous invitations all the way back to his days as Speaker of the House? Listen to NAACP President Ben Jealous talk about this here: Gingrich says he would visit NAACP. Then why has he turned down all of their previous invites?

Why Herman Cain would be a selfish bastard if he dropped out of race.

1 Dec

Why Herman Cain would be a selfish bastard if he dropped out of race.

I am in a panicked mood right now. The mere prospect of Herman Cain dropping out of the race for the republican nomination for president has me nervous as hell. Find out why Mr. Cain would be a selfish bastard if he dropped out of the race here: Why Herman Cain would be a selfish bastard if he dropped out of race

Obama vs Cain: Who gets the majority of the black vote

15 Oct

In a hypothetical matchup between Obama and Cain who gets majority if the black vote?

 With Herman Cain surging in the polls it’s possible although not very probable that he could face President Obama in 2012. In that matchup who do you think would get the majority of the black vote? Vote here:

Listen to Illinois Congressman Joe Walsh explains why he will not attend President Obama’s adress to Congress

3 Sep

Listen to Illinois Congressman Joe Walsh explains why he will not attend President Obama’s adress to Congress:

Have race relations improved under President Obama?

25 Aug

Have race relations improved under President Obama?

In 2011 we will see both MLK Memorial opening and a black man sitting in the White House. Do you feel that race relations in the United States are better now than they were in 2008 when Barack Obama was elected?

 Vote and give your opinions here:

Audio Maxine Waters : The Tea Party can go straight to hell

21 Aug

Audio Maxine Waters : The Tea Party can go straight to hell

California Congresswoman Maxine Waters has been on quite a roll this week. First she said that she was getting tired with President Obama. During a Kitchen Table Summit in Inglewood California on Saturday she let the crowd know exactly how she feels about the Tea Party. She said the Tea Party can go straight to hell. Listen to the audio here:

Read the full Stndard & Poor report: : United States of America Long-Term Rating Lowered To ‘AA+’

6 Aug

Read the full report: Full Report: United States of America Long-Term Rating Lowered To ‘AA+’

After Standard & Poor lowered the US credit rating from AAA to AA+ there seems to be some debate about what the reports actually states. Let’s all stop guessing or taking selected excerpts from blogs and web sites and read the full Standard & Poor Report. Read the full report here: