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Black Unemployment Rate Hits Seven Year Low

14 May

The unemployment rate for black Americans fell below 10 percent in April, for the first time since the economic downfall in 2008. – See more at:

President Obama Speech: “Let’s Put this Country Back to Work”

13 Sep

President Obama Speech: “Let’s Put this Country Back to Work”

This morning ( 09/12/11 ), President Obama was joined by Vice President Biden as well as teachers, veterans, small business owners, construction workers and first responders, as he called on Congress to pass the American Jobs Act right away. Listen to his speech :

White House Summary of the American Jobs Act ( 2011 )

9 Sep

President Obama made a speech to congress about his jobs bill, The American Jobs Act last night. There was a lot there. Instead of having pundits or people with obvious political agenda tell you what was in it read a White House summary of it for yourself.

President Obama Presents American Jobs Act Sept. 8, 2011 speech

9 Sep

President Obama Presents American Jobs Act Sept. 8, 2011 speech

In what may be President Obama’s best speech as President of the United States the president delivered in plain and clear langauge his jobs plan, the American Jobs Act. Watch his entire speech here:

President Obama’s 2011 Labor Day speech in Detroit

6 Sep

President Obama’s 2011 Labor Day speech in Detroit

Check out a fiesty President Obama’s entire speech on Labor Day 2011 here:

President Obama: How we can put Americans to work right now 08/15/11

16 Aug

President Obama: How we can put Americans to work right now 08/15/11

During the first day of his mid west bus tour President Obama on spoke on ways that congress can help put Americans back to work right now. Listen to that part of his speech here:

Read the full Stndard & Poor report: : United States of America Long-Term Rating Lowered To ‘AA+’

6 Aug

Read the full report: Full Report: United States of America Long-Term Rating Lowered To ‘AA+’

After Standard & Poor lowered the US credit rating from AAA to AA+ there seems to be some debate about what the reports actually states. Let’s all stop guessing or taking selected excerpts from blogs and web sites and read the full Standard & Poor Report. Read the full report here:

Conservatives angry over Pell Grant funding in Boehner debt bill

29 Jul

Conservatives angry over Pell Grant funding in Boehner debt bill

House conservatives who have stalled legislation to raise the national debt limit are angry that it includes $17 billion in supplemental spending for Pell Grants, which some compare to welfare.

Read more:

Debt Ceiling: It’s time for President Obama to actually man up and actually be a “prick”

10 Jul

Debt Ceiling: It’s time for President Obama to actually man up and actually be a “prick”

I fully support President Obama and will do everything in my power to get him re-elected. But I would be lying if I said it didn’t piss me off every time he bends over and takes it from the House Republicans. It’s time for that to stop. Read more here:

Has Obama failed African Americans?

26 Jun

Has Obama failed African Americans?

I am posting this because of recent comments by two noted experts on African American opinion, Michelle Bachmann and Newt Gingrich. They believe that President Obama has failed African Americans. Do you agree with them and if so or if not, why?

Give your answer here: